Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shopping In OSaka

Shortly and briefly, Bought my shirts and and pants, and these are the following brands, that for my own record purpose I should put it here.
They can be found in Daimaru and Hanshin malls.

Jerry, The Glamourous.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Taipei-Two New Brands Of SHoes



I am surprise to find these two new brands in Taipei city, thanks to the introduction by my friend, Kevin and also because of the adventurous nature of us, we found these brands. The name sound very "weird;, especially the first one, for sure, sort of hard to pronounce, and not very Taiwanese. Reason probably is because the want to sound very much European or Western.... Why can't they just name TaipeiSkin, TaipeiShoes or LeatherTaiwan or Alishan.....Just my opinion, sounds more authentic anyway.

But good to find them, and let me try them out and see what the outcome in terms of performance would be........and shall comment later.
But price is a only a portion of the shoes I usually got, so it is quite a worth buy in that respect.

Jerry, The Glamorous (have not used this name for too long time)