Sunday, August 22, 2010

My New Belt-Orobianco (Midori color)

This is a brand that I am not sure where it is from, but from what I know, the material could have been imported from Italy, and the belt designed and made in Japan.
I like this green color, and today I wore this for the first time. Goh-San and his wife noticed that, and they know I like green.

I got this in Daimaru, and though this is expensive place, I think the belt is still of reasonable pricing, and began to doubt myself why I bought Gucci's (I have 3 as share in this blogsite before, except my Hermes'). I will continue exploring more belts in my next visit to Japan, in Daimaru's store the next time. I think they have plenty to offer.........!

Green in Japanese is read as MIDORI.............

Midori for Jerry C

Shirts From H&M, Ginza

Not sure if you can find these in HK and other H&M outlets, but since I do not shop in Beijing or in China and did not check it out, I got these few when I stop by at H&M at Ginza store, Japan.

I like this color

I like the cutting and the material used

I need this one, cause I do not have a black-colored shirt as yet

By the way, they have started selling Autumn's fashion now, and I got one, just to share it here:

Jerry C, Shinagawa

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Shopping-Autumn 2010

Autumn is coming, and planning for Autumn 2010............Non-stop. I think if JY is cheaper, it could be even better. I cannot help myself with bags...people can be addicted to sex, may be, but I am think I am addicted to buying bags........And I think Japanese made and designed bags are very nice (And sometimes I wonder why most of them do not use or consider to use them:

Went to Daimaru and The Suit.

I like this bag, and felt in love when I saw this (made in Japan, Deux Monx-Genuine Artisan made, Matsuzaki). I think it looks so cool, and very matching between black leather and inner lining of read color. Take a look here.

More to come later...

Jerry C, Shinagawa

Small Bag For my laptop

Too long I have not updated my Glamorous Jerry here, because I did not really go for more shopping and some articles I do not want to update here, but recently too many issues (if you read from my Luahhanku blogsite, and traveling a lot, and without much shopping, then nothing much to write).

Today, while shopping around, I found the laptop bag at 无印良品, price is reasonable at JY 1890. Kindly take a look here:

Jerry C, Shinagawa

Friday, August 6, 2010

Immortel-Loccitane Divine Cream

Saw the advertisement of this for quite sometime, but finally bought one bottle a few months back, and start using this like, say 2-3 months back and now becomes more regular.
Seems like my skin texture looks a little bit different, smoother, and looks a bit refreshing even though it is still to early to comment furthe

I like the smell of the natural oil, and when you apply on your face at nite time, after massaging it for a while on your face, the the oil will sort of vaporised and the aroma that comes with it, is refreshing.

Try that out, it you have the chance. I am not sure of the market price but I bought it, from In-flight sales (Cathay pacific) if I am not wrong, costing HKD 800 per bottle.

Happy trying..........

Jerry C

Monday, August 2, 2010

Le Creuset

I am not sure if you know this brand, it is French.
I come across this when I was in S'pore (of course we had similar material, iron casted cook ware in those olden days, hence this reminds me of that), that was one reason why I got this. Some like those cow-boy movies that you have seen, and they used these for cooking, rather cool.
In general, it looks something like this, or you can visit their website as follows:

I asked my friend, Cheesoon when he came over to my place to get one for me. The one I have looks a little bit pale in comparison (in terms of color), but I think it looks solid (as Cheesoon mentioned).

It is not cheap though, with special offer, it comes close to SGD 300, and luckily Cheeson managed to find this for me. I just love using this, it is solid, heavy and when you cook, it just feel so good. I do not know, but you can just feel it.
And you can see from the fried rice that I did, it was less oily, and can still keep warm for some time (sort of like energy saving) and nowadays, I use this more often than other cookware that I have. For the price, it is worth it baby....So, that is why I recommend this under "the glamourous Jerry bogsite). Happy trying.

P/S-Since I am helping Le Creuset to do advertising here, I should at least come to my blogsite and say thank you:).

Jerry C

Gold Investment-黄金-99.99%

A topic frequently mentioned nowadays, or the other alternative is to buy silver.
As I understood, there are many forms of gold (in terms of purity), from the goldsmith shop that I went too, the lowest usually sold in the market is around 83.5% (they need to add with copper and other metals to make sure it is hard enough), and for gold bullion or coins that we usually buy for the sole purpose of investment, it is usually with 99.99% purity. That is for physical gold ownership.

And you can also invest in any local banks that offer gold investment by having an account for this purpose.
And you can have this link to get daily update, :

Jerry C