Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hey, guy, it is so convenient to blog using my new iPad, and now I am having my green tea latter and my pasta, and at the same blogging using my I-pad here. The thing is, it is instant and fast.

Ok for now, got to leave soon.

The glamorous J
Fresno, USA

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

San Francisco-Part 5 (Cole Haan)

The pair of shoes I mentioned from Cole Haan

The shopping bag.

Jerry, the Glamorous Jerry

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hermes-New Scaff

Always wanted this, and here you are:

OK, I know a lot of people do not like this color, but I like it, especially when you use in early Autumn with Dark Blue colored Jacket.

The Glamourous J

Hermes Bag-Autumn Series

Manage to get this latest luggage for men, at Munich airport (the only stop I have before going back to Beijing).
I like this bag because of its unique design (mainly of the design for sure), but later when I took it home, I have some regrets because I think it is not easy to handle, and not easy to use. This is my concern....haha, that is why I said that sometimes, environment we are in can influence us whether to or not to buy some stuffs.......!
In terms of price, I guess it should be a worth buy, Kevin, if you have the chance please help to check this out. My be this is another consolation for me......haha.
But later on, when I take another look into it, I think it is nice though...human being, human mind, they are too complicated. What say you.....

The Glamorous J

Made In USA-Cole Haan

Since I have safely landed in San Francisco and I would like to explore more American brands.
This is one shoe that I would like to consider and buy, later, when I have the time.

Not sure what the price would be, but from Internet, it was mentioned as USD 395.

Will update accordingly.

The Glamorous J

Branded Goods....Boutiques

Have any of us found out tha most of the websites are not updated or not having the lastest range of products, or not having the full range of products, until you visit the respective boutiques, esp. in European cities (probably in Asia, the best still would be Tokyo and Hongkong)? I wonder why?

And sometimes, fashion magazines give more clues and updates compared to these websites. May be I missed this out or I do not search that properly, could have missed out some. But just try it out, and let me know. Just visit a few, like Hermes, like Louis Vuitton, like Bottega Venetta,.......

And I have also learnt a lesson here, as when you visit a boutiques, you tend to make a 'impromptu decision' or the environment you are in, coupled with the experienced sales staff, might have the influence in the purchasing of your goods, irrespective whether it is ideal or otherwise. Hence, for one, when shopping in these boutiques, must make sure that some researches have been done in advance, or know what one wants clearly, or must use a lot of common sense in decising to buy one. But when it comes to luxuries, does common sense makes sense anymore? Haha, that is the question I asked myself.

The Glamorous J

Friday, October 1, 2010

Autumn Updates

Oh dear dear dear, I miss my "The Glamourous Jerry" a lot. I 'failed' in the sense of not being to give a fast update, though this is not something I wanted to happen, neither was it because of my tight schedule. When it comes to fashion, you will find time for that, because these are the things you like, you talk about, and you have fond of. Hence, I really hope to write more, esp. as Joyce said, I have plenty of time in the country where Google originates, haha. So, lets keep my finger crossed, and more to come, I promise you.

THe Glamours J, Incheon, Seoul.

P/S- I bought a Winter jacket from Ralph Lauren, olive green, I have been searching for this since last year, now I found it.
And another jacket on my list is the Burberry leather jacket, Black. Tried on this in Munich airport, but the size was too big for me. I love that jacket.

ANyway, will share more when I have the chance to do so.