Monday, October 1, 2012


haha, what a coincident!! I have thought about buying this brand, but not this time, and I have almost forgotten about this brand until I walk along the street, and found the shop. I have heard about its design, that it is very convenient to use the bags, as they always take into consideration what frequent travelers want to have as far as their bags are concerned, like where you put your pen, your wallets, your card holders, your key, etc etc so what every time you need them, you can easily find hold of them. Hence after a while, in less than 15 minutes, I ended buying two. Please look at the design here
I will share more once I started using them, as I have to explore this a bit more, but from what I have seen so far, it is living up to its design motto, for the convenience of the customers and buyers who are frequent travelers themselves.. Choong Cannes, France 1 October 2012

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