Sunday, May 30, 2010

Jerry C's Collection

I was, last week, at my tailor's place, and was trying out a new casual vest that I have designed, and it will be ready in a few days. I went there for the fitting of this vest and another jacket which I have at the same time,designed, with the help of my tailor (not designer okay...). And while trying this, a guess, I think perhaps from Europe, was commenting on my best, and he said, it was nice, and I should sit in the shop helping the guests to design.. a compliment perhaps, haha.He said, you could become another Giorgio Armani (too late, perhaps. If I had studied fashion design before, may be I could be very famous by now, but somehow, I was born, in the part of the world, where there is no such thing as fashion designing as a form of 'proper profession', haha. That was already the past... but if one has the talent, age is a limiting factor, self-cheering huh).
A few weeks earlier, I was there trying to make a few pairs of pants, and I have almost the same compliment, this time, it came from two local Chinese guys I guess.

And then, the best thing is, the shop owner, Alice, mentioned to me, that every time I went to their shop and design some new clothes or shirts, then will eager waiting for the outcome, and take a look at all these before asking me to collect them. They are as curious as I am, hohoooooooh!!!
I will, from now onwards, when there is something nice and design by myself, I will share it here. But the problem is, it is a bit hard as I could not wear it and take the photo in front of the mirror (may be I should try that in near future, to see if that helps).


Jerry C........Beijing

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