Friday, May 21, 2010

Shirt-Key Ng

I started buying this brand since 2 years ago, design is mainly for slim-fit type. There are a few outlets I think, mainly with with Isetan, with their own brand-counter.
As I did not take any pictures of the pants I bought earlier, I can only share the latest for this summer which I bought when I was back in March, and started wearing this quite recently.
I heard from the sales person that they have new design every 1-2 months, so, in my next trip back, I am sure to visit again.
And when I wear this to office, my staff like it a lot, and some male colleagues are copying this design.
But anyway, I feel happy to bring this brand to Beijing, as Key Ng is our Malaysian designer if I remember it well.

Take a lot. As for price, reasonable range, but would like to disclose it here. What I like is the fabric, and you do not need much ironing, especially for my business traveling. Can wear it smart casual or with a tie, can be for business (but not for too formal type).

Jerry C

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